Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday Five

Here are my answers to this week's Friday Five (posted at RevGalBlogPals). They are about Black Friday.

1. Would you ever/have you ever stood in line for something--tickets, good deals on electronics, Tickle Me Elmo?

I have only stood in line to get my son into a neighborhood preschool. It was a first-come, first-served deal. It was a 28 degree January morning at 3:30 AM that I became second in line. And I was 5 months pregnant. But it worked: my son is in that preschool, and his brother will have a better chance of getting in because he is a sibling.

As I contemplated my decision to stand in line in the dark in front of the Lutheran preschool, I realized that I would do this for my kids. I would never do it for anything for myself.

I also realized the value of adult bladder control products.

2. Do you enjoy shopping as a recreational activity?

I hate shopping. I want to get into a store and get out as quickly as possible. Unless it is a bookstore....

3. Your favorite place to browse without necessarily buying anything.

A bookstore!

4. Gift cards: handy gifts for the loved one who has everything, or cold impersonal symbol of all that is wrong in our culture?

It depends on the person. My dh would rather have a Best Buy giftcard than anything else on Christmas. But I know others who would never appreciate a giftcard that much.

5. Discuss the spiritual and theological issues inherent in people coming to blows over a Playstation 3.

These people who fight over the PS3 need a little perspective. Why can't they wait just a few more weeks? However, sitting outside in the cold for days might at least help them with their perspective on the homeless population.


Maria Tafoya said...

Good thought that, about relating to the homeless after sitting outside a store for days.

Anonymous said...

I love you answer to #1. That is worth waiting for.

So, did you actually have to utilize a depends? Or did you just wish you did?

The Vicar of Hogsmeade said...

There are things I'll do because of my kids that I wouldn't do otherwise

revhipchick said...

it would be great if they did get a little perspective on the homeless situation. i never would have thought of that--i hope they do.