Sunday, July 06, 2008


My boys have really enjoyed watching the High School Musical movies. They aren't the audience that Disney intended when they marketed the movies (they are under 6!), but the music keeps them watching. How bad is it? We know every word of both movies and all the songs (even the songs that only show up on the DVD). Part of the blame is that we have a DVD player in our mini-van. Boy #2 has been watching that DVD player since before his carseat was facing forward (yes, he craned his neck around to see it).

When it comes to High School Musical 2, I will say that the favorite song is one that the main character Troy Bolton sings called "Bet on It." Troy sings it while walking/running/jumping around a golf course. And my boys know every walk, run, and jump. Today, I played the song (just the song) from my laptop, and I noticed that they were doing all the motions with their hands like Troy. They would walk or run when he did. They knew when to throw out their arms, hit the ground, or do a little jump.


My 3 year old knows when to do it without looking at his big brother, too.

Maybe we have watched the movie too much--I don't know. However, it is a good reminder that my sons are going to learn by watching and imitating. I know I can't always control what they see and learn, but I can control what I do and say. Sometimes my attitude is less than stellar. I get tired. I get cranky. I speak too quickly. I overreact.

It isn't a bad thing for the boys to know I am human. But I don't want them to imitate my bad qualities all the time. It is a fine line to walk. Seeing them act out HSM2 today is just another reminder of this big responsibility I have that goes beyond feeding and clothing my children.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pop Ice for Babies

My oldest two sons really get a kick out of eating Pop Ices. They always run and open our freezer and pick out their favorite color. My 2nd son likes to choose the same color as his shirt (provided he isn't wearing a white, gray, or black shirt).

The boys eat the Pop Ices even in winter. The local grocery store has some store brand that are bigger and have more flavors (ummm, pineapple....).

If the baby wanted one, he could have one that I made. I have about 25 bags of breastmilk in the freezer, too. What the baby doesn't get to, I will donate to the WakeMed Mothers' Milk Bank.

A few weeks ago, our local newspaper ran a story about the milk bank. There aren't that many milk banks in the US. But at the hospital where I delivered my last two boys, there is one. They recently had a shortage and had to put out a call for the volunteer donors to bring in what they had. The milk is used for premature infants. Some of them cannot have formula--the breastmilk is vital for their survival. No wonder it is called "liquid gold" and goes for $4.50/ounce!

After reading that article, I immediately called and started the process to be a donor. I had to answer questions like the ones they ask you when you are going to donate blood. I also had to realize that drinking caffeine and taking OTC medicine for pain would affect the milk I pumped for 12 hours after those activities. My caffeine intake concerned me, so I stopped drinking my diet Pepsi with caffeine and switched to caffeine-free diet Pepsi. I expected severe headaches, but they have not been that bad.

I am pumping at least 4 ounces a day to save. Most days I can get 7 ounces. After I have 100 ounces, I have the paperwork for my blood to be drawn; and it will be tested. After I have 200 ounces, I can take my milk to the milk bank.

I thought when I signed up that I would have to buy more bags to store the milk, but the bank sent me gobs of them. Since I already owned a breastpump (that has held up remarkably well for the past 5 1/2 years), it really is a no-brainer to sign up to donate. I find it providential that the article ran when my newborn was 5 weeks old, and my breasts were drowning him at every feeding. Milk production is something I am apparently very good at.

There are nine milk banks in the US and one private milk bank in California. One-third of the women donating to the WakeMed Milk Bank are local. The great thing is that the milk bank will send a cooler and shipping instructions to women out of the area. Once they have 200 to 300 ounces, the milk can be overnighted to Raleigh.

I already give blood when I can. I am glad that I can also donate breastmilk this year. Even though I am a SAHM with no income of my own, I can contribute to society in this non-monetary way.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Here is a clip of the Raleigh TV station WRAL in 1989 as it is signing off the air for the night. The "Star Spangled Banner" and some pictures from the history book are in it.

Happy birthday, USA!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Three years ago today....

boy #2 07/03/05
Originally uploaded by wilfhh29
Here is my second-born three years ago. It is a good thing I have my pictures labeled because all three of my boys have looked alike at birth (and even into the first year).

What I love best about this boy today is his independent spirit and his great facial expression.

White cake with chocolate icing and three candles on top for my new 3 year old!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Click at Your Own Risk

Don't click on this link unless you forever want to destroy the way you hear and respond to "Fur Elise."

Because of this commercial that aired when I was about 10 years old, I cannot hear "Fur Elise" by Beethoven without thinking about McDonalds. I sing the lyrics from the commercial in my head. It is also quite the earworm.

I will never hear that song again for what it is worth. I will always crave french fries when I hear it--like this morning off of the Baby Einstein CD that I opened to play for my infant son.

Will it ever be possible that I will separate the song from the commercial? I like to enjoy classical music for it's own value. Isn't it amazing the memories a song can provoke?